谭仔国际于Marketing Magazine主办的「PR Awards 2023」勇夺二十项殊荣



(香港,2023年8月18日)- 谭仔国际有限公司(「谭仔国际」或「公司」;谭仔国际连同附属公司统称「集团」;港交所股份代号:2217),作为专营米线的领先及知名快速休闲连锁餐厅,于由Marketing Magazine主办的「PR Awards 2023 」满载而归。集团连同旗下两个知名品牌「谭仔云南米线」及「谭仔三哥米线」横扫20个奖项,成绩彪炳,包括全场最高荣誉的「全场总冠军(大奖)」,以及七项金奖、九项银奖和三项铜奖,表扬集团在公关、品牌推广和市场营销活动不断追求突破的卓越成就。

谭仔国际主席、执行董事兼行政总裁刘达民先生表示:「我们深感荣幸能再次从Marketing Magazine获得多个享有盛誉的奖项,肯定了集团一直以来的坚持及努力,透过创新、多元化及有效的公关、品牌推广和营销策略,成功提升品牌知名度和建立品牌亲和力。我们将继续突破自我,追求更卓越的成绩,为顾客缔造优质的用餐体验。」

「PR Awards 2023 Hong Kong」由权威市场推广杂志《Marketing Magazine》举办,旨在表彰卓越的公关企划及专业人士。今年共设有35个奖项,来自各行各业的参赛作品经过评审委员会进行全面评估,评审委员会由22位来由来自区内不同业界的独立资深公关专才担任。


Best of Show (Brand) 谭仔三哥米线
金奖 (7个奖项)
Best Innovative Campaign 谭仔国际: 两个都爱,两个都下载!
Best PR Campaign – Food & Beverage 谭仔云南米线: 《谭仔话.谭仔画》
Best Promotional PR Campaign 谭仔三哥米线: 谭仔三哥「黑白辛椒式」新产品
Best Viral Campaign 谭仔三哥米线: 谭仔三哥「黑白辛椒式」新产品
Best Branding Strategy 谭仔三哥米线: 谭仔三哥「黑白辛椒式」新产品
Best Integrated Communications 谭仔三哥米线: 香麻辛辣 陪你百感交集
Best Use of Content 谭仔三哥米线: 谭仔三哥「黑白辛椒式」新产品
Best Launch / Rebranding Campaign 谭仔国际: 两个都爱,两个都下载!
Best PR Campaign – Partnership / Sponsorship 谭仔云南米线: 《谭仔话.谭仔画》
Best PR Campaign – Public Awareness​ 谭仔云南米线: 《谭仔话.谭仔画》
Best Engagement – Mass Community 谭仔三哥米线: 香麻辛辣 陪你百感交集
Best Integrated Communications 谭仔国际: 两个都爱,两个都下载!
Best Reputation Management Strategy 谭仔国际: 谭仔「Souper Hero」NFT
Best Storytelling Strategy 谭仔三哥米线: 香麻辛辣 陪你百感交集
Best Use of Content 谭仔三哥米线: 香麻辛辣 陪你百感交集
Best Use of Micro-Influencers 谭仔三哥米线: 谭仔三哥「黑白辛椒式」新产品
Best Branding Strategy 谭仔云南米线: 《谭仔话.谭仔画》
Best Use of Micro-Influencers 谭仔国际: 谭仔「Souper Hero」NFT
Best Use of Technology 谭仔国际: 谭仔「Souper Hero」NFT

Mr. LAU Tat Man, Daren

Mr. LAU Tat Man, Daren, has been the Chief Executive Officer of Tam Jai International Co. Limited (“TJI” or “the Company”) since 2018. He is responsible for shaping the growth path of the Company, leading strategic initiative and managing overall business development and operation. Under his leadership, TJI has been dedicated its resources to strengthen the market positioning, enhance operation standards and efficiencies, develop innovative products as well as improve overall food safety and food quality. The Company’s two brands, TamJai Yunnan Mixian and TamJai SamGor Mixian, successfully expand their footprint beyond Hong Kong and will set up their overseas stores in Shenzhen and Singapore respectively in 2020.

Mr. Lau has over 30 years of management experience in food and beverage industry in Hong Kong and Asia Pacific Region. Prior to joining the Company, He had held senior management positions in premier corporations including Café de Coral Corporation, SSP Group Ltd., TGI Friday’s and The Peninsula Hotel, Hong Kong.

Mr. Lau holds a Master of Business Administration Degree from The Chinese University of Hong Kong and was placed on the Dean’s list.
