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- 食品安全及抗周期性
在2022/23财年,我们分别为两个品牌推出了全新的植物性「Go-Green」 餐单,以鼓励顾客转向更健康和低碳的饮食习惯,这亦与我们在ESG方面的承诺一致,通过提供更多绿色食品选择以降低碳排放。我们计划每年推出一款植物性或更健康的食品选择,并为「Go-Green」食品提供全年折扣优惠。我们将进一步加强「植物性及更健康的食品」行动倡议,不仅提供更多绿色和营养丰富的选择,亦积极支持卫生署推出的「有营食肆」计划,并在2023年取得两星有营食肆认证,并以长期减少二氧化碳排放为目标。
我们过去一直积极举办并参与公益活动,以支持社区。在2022/23财年, 「三哥」与圣雅各福群会FOOD-CO合办「线」有善报活动, 为有需要的人士提供免费餐饮和暖心服务,计划使超过3,400人受益。此外,我们推出首个慈善筹款NFT项目「Souper Hero」,又与本地插画家及慈善机构合作举办「谭仔遮遮:谭仔车车」慈善义卖活动。这些行动旨在培育本土艺术人才及推动本土艺术发展。
Mr. LAU Tat Man, Daren, has been the Chief Executive Officer of Tam Jai International Co. Limited (“TJI” or “the Company”) since 2018. He is responsible for shaping the growth path of the Company, leading strategic initiative and managing overall business development and operation. Under his leadership, TJI has been dedicated its resources to strengthen the market positioning, enhance operation standards and efficiencies, develop innovative products as well as improve overall food safety and food quality. The Company’s two brands, TamJai Yunnan Mixian and TamJai SamGor Mixian, successfully expand their footprint beyond Hong Kong and will set up their overseas stores in Shenzhen and Singapore respectively in 2020.
Mr. Lau has over 30 years of management experience in food and beverage industry in Hong Kong and Asia Pacific Region. Prior to joining the Company, He had held senior management positions in premier corporations including Café de Coral Corporation, SSP Group Ltd., TGI Friday’s and The Peninsula Hotel, Hong Kong.
Mr. Lau holds a Master of Business Administration Degree from The Chinese University of Hong Kong and was placed on the Dean’s list.