


(香港,2022年9月15日)– 谭仔国际有限公司(「谭仔国际」或「公司」;谭仔国际连同附属公司统称「集团」;港交所股份代号:2217)作为专营米线的领先及知名快速休闲连锁餐厅,凭借首次公开招股活动出色的投资者关系工作赢得高度认可,于2022年亚洲-太平洋史蒂夫®奖中荣获「投资者关系创新史蒂夫®奖」金奖,以及于香港投资者关系协会2022年第八届香港投资者关系大奖中获颁「IPO最佳投资者关系公司」。

谭仔国际主席、执行董事兼行政总裁刘达民先生表示:「我们很高兴集团的首次公开招股活动透过创新的品牌推广计划,以及有效的投资者沟通方案,吸引了市场热切的兴趣及正面反应,并获得这两个商界及投资界的知名奖项。 我们明白投资者关系工作是良好企业管治的重要支柱,所以一直致力透过各种渠道与持份者保持紧密沟通,以确保高透明度及适时的信息发布。 展望未来,我们将继续推动投资者关系工作,务求为股东创造长远及可持续的回报。 」

亚洲-太平洋史蒂夫®奖是唯一一个在亚太地区所有29个国家表彰企业创新的商业奖项,而其投资者关系创新奖则旨在表彰机构于管理与投资者关系方面的创新方案。 香港投资者关系协会是由投资者关系从业员及企业行政人员组成的非牟利专业协会,其年度投资者关系大奖由买方及卖方分析师及基金经理投票选出得奖者,以表扬在投资者关系工作表现卓越的个人及公司。

Mr. LAU Tat Man, Daren

Mr. LAU Tat Man, Daren, has been the Chief Executive Officer of Tam Jai International Co. Limited (“TJI” or “the Company”) since 2018. He is responsible for shaping the growth path of the Company, leading strategic initiative and managing overall business development and operation. Under his leadership, TJI has been dedicated its resources to strengthen the market positioning, enhance operation standards and efficiencies, develop innovative products as well as improve overall food safety and food quality. The Company’s two brands, TamJai Yunnan Mixian and TamJai SamGor Mixian, successfully expand their footprint beyond Hong Kong and will set up their overseas stores in Shenzhen and Singapore respectively in 2020.

Mr. Lau has over 30 years of management experience in food and beverage industry in Hong Kong and Asia Pacific Region. Prior to joining the Company, He had held senior management positions in premier corporations including Café de Coral Corporation, SSP Group Ltd., TGI Friday’s and The Peninsula Hotel, Hong Kong.

Mr. Lau holds a Master of Business Administration Degree from The Chinese University of Hong Kong and was placed on the Dean’s list.
