Personal Information Collection Statement

(For Job Applicants) (the “Statement”)

1.Tam Jai International Co. Limited and/or its subsidiaries and/or affiliated companies (collectively referred to as the “Group Companies”, “we”, “our”, or “us”), collect personal data through this application form for recruitment and employment activities conducted by us. Such personal data will be used by the Group Companies for the following purposes:
(i)for an assessment as to whether you, as the job applicant, is suitable for the position(s) of the Group Companies (including the position(s) applied for, and other position(s) that the Group Companies may deem appropriate and/or fitting to your profile at their sole discretion);
(ii)for preliminary discussions on salary, bonuses and/or other benefits, verification of your qualifications and experience, and for making an offer or offers to you for employment with any of the or certain Group Companies, or other matters directly related to the purpose of such recruitment and employment; and
(iii)for any position(s) with any of the or certain Group Companies which we may find it suitable after considering your profile.
We will obtain your consent before using personal data collected herein for any purpose(s) other than those described under this Statement.
2.In order for the Group Companies to effectively evaluate the job applicants, you will need to provide sufficient personal data, which may include: (i) name and contact details, including address and telephone number; (ii) employment history and relevant experience; and (iii) education and training details. You must complete all the fields marked as [“*”/ “Required”] in the application form and provide relevant supporting documents. Failure to provide the required information may result in your application not being able to be processed by us or the Group Companies.
3.(Only applicable to applicants who submitted their application through our website) Most web browsers are initially set up to accept cookies. You can choose not to accept the cookies by changing the settings but if you do so you may find that certain features on the website (including but not limited to the online job application function) do not work properly. For more information regarding the collection and usage of Cookies by us, please refer to our privacy policy.
4.The personal data you provide may be transferred and/or shared amongst Group Companies. The Group Companies would ensure that only authorized personnel(s) can and will access the personal data you provide strictly on a “need-to-know” basis. Without your prior consent, we will not disclose the personal data you provided for the above purposes through this application form or other means to any third parties which are not part of the Group Companies (except for disclosure required by relevant laws or judicial authorities as outlined in our privacy policy).
5.The staff or authorized representative(s) of the Group Companies will generally contact you within one (1) month after you submit your application. If you do not receive any such contact or notification within the above time, your job application may be deemed not accepted. Under normal circumstances, the personal data provided by you will be deleted within twelve (12) months or upon completion of the recruitment process(es) for the position(s) you have applied for, whichever is the earlier.
6.Pursuant to the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Cap. 486, Laws of Hong Kong, the “Ordinance”), you have the right to request access to and/or correction of the personal data you provide to the Group Companies. Please note that according to the Ordinance, the Group Companies have the right to charge you a reasonable fee when processing such data access request(s) from you. If you wish to request access to and/or correction of your personal data collected by the Group Companies for the purpose of your job applications, please contact our Group Human Resources Data Protection Officer (Email: ; Mailing address: 8th Floor, D2 Place One, 9 Cheung Yee Street, Cheung Sha Wan, Kowloon, Hong Kong). If you wish to request access to and/or correction of your personal data collected by the Group Companies for other purposes, please refer to the procedures under our privacy policy (
7.If there is any inconsistency or conflict between the English and Chinese versions of this Statement, the English version shall prevail.