


(香港,2023年4月14日)– 譚仔國際有限公司(「譚仔國際」或「公司」;譚仔國際連同附屬公司統稱「集團」;港交所股份代號:2217)作為專營米線的領先及知名快速休閒連鎖餐廳,欣然分享,其主席、執行董事兼行政總裁劉達民先生入選福布斯中國「2023大灣區ESG企業家30評選」,表彰其在推動環境、社會和企業管治(「ESG」)的卓越表現。

在劉先生的領導下,譚仔國際建立了以「潤澤社區」、「提人為本」及「綠色倡議」為三大支柱的ESG策略框架,在實現業務增長的同時,顯著推動集團可持續發展的進程。其中,集團成立了譚仔美善基金(「基金」),在ESG三大範疇促進可持續發展以及客戶、員工和合作夥伴的身心健康。 自成立以來,基金已支持多個項目,包括譚仔國際員工子女教育支援計劃,為合資格的員工子女提供獎學金,支持他們完成本地大學的全日制學士學位課程。集團亦致力貢獻社會,去年推出首個慈善非同質化代幣(「NFT」)項目,作為培育本土藝術人才及推動藝術欣賞的長期承諾。



Mr. LAU Tat Man, Daren

Mr. LAU Tat Man, Daren, has been the Chief Executive Officer of Tam Jai International Co. Limited (“TJI” or “the Company”) since 2018. He is responsible for shaping the growth path of the Company, leading strategic initiative and managing overall business development and operation. Under his leadership, TJI has been dedicated its resources to strengthen the market positioning, enhance operation standards and efficiencies, develop innovative products as well as improve overall food safety and food quality. The Company’s two brands, TamJai Yunnan Mixian and TamJai SamGor Mixian, successfully expand their footprint beyond Hong Kong and will set up their overseas stores in Shenzhen and Singapore respectively in 2020.

Mr. Lau has over 30 years of management experience in food and beverage industry in Hong Kong and Asia Pacific Region. Prior to joining the Company, He had held senior management positions in premier corporations including Café de Coral Corporation, SSP Group Ltd., TGI Friday’s and The Peninsula Hotel, Hong Kong.

Mr. Lau holds a Master of Business Administration Degree from The Chinese University of Hong Kong and was placed on the Dean’s list.
